Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Melanie's First Race

Melanie ran in the SLC 5K last Saturday. She decided she really liked running about 2 months ago. She ran it in 31:18. It was a good experience for her and she was nervous. This d-bag really ran the whole race with the Spider-Man costume on, mask and all. Eventually she wants to run a half-marathon. Can't wait for the next one.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


So Melanie's friend Sabrina totally hates Steve Erkle and Andy Milonakis. I am serious, she doesn't just think they are annoying, she gets angry and passionate when she sees them on the tube. Screaming, "I HATE that faggot!" is her socially incorrect reaction to them.

Does anyone else think this is weird? Especially coming from someone who thinks Wild 'N' Out and Yo' Momma are hilarious shows? Anyways, I just thought I might get a laugh out of Mel using photo-shop.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Trip to St. George

Anybody want to know how crazy our trip was? One of our friends got a life-time ban from the Oasis Hotel & Casino in Mesquite. Pretty good stuff.